本次活动吸引了众多重要嘉宾出席,包括中央人民政府驻澳门特别行政区联络办公室宣传文化部部长万速成、澳门特区政府体育局局长张子轩等。此外,还有姚明、拉斯维加斯金沙集团总裁Patrick Dumont,以及四位“姚挚友”代表:前女子篮坛明星赵爽、街球选手吴悠,前CBA主教练刘铁和男篮助理教练李克,他们担任此次训练营及友谊赛的重要角色。
活动得到了多个机构的大力支持,如中央人民政府驻澳门特别行政区联络办公室宣传文化部、 澳门特区政府教育及青年发展局、中国澳门篮球总会等。近年来,随着特区政府致力于建设“体育之城”,推出了一系列高水平的大型赛事,以打造具有地方特色的品牌。在此背景下,2023年姚基金慈善赛成功举办,引起海内外广泛关注。今年是纪念香港回归25周年,通过与金沙中国合作,该项目为当地社区和学校带来了丰富多彩的教学活动,提高学生们对足球等各类比赛参与度,有助于培养新一代优秀人才。
濠江中学校长尤端阳也发表了看法。他认为,不仅要重视身体素质的发展,还应注重人格塑造,希望未来能够让更多学生以 basketball 为媒介,与大陆同龄人进行更深入互动,共同促进了解与友情.
作为主要承办方之一,叶大伟代表姚基金向各界表达感恩之情。他强调双方希望携手推动更具趣味性且专业化程度高 的培训课程到达每一个角落,让大家都能享受到这一盛宴。同时他还呼吁有意愿的小朋友积极参加包括全国小联盟在内的一系列相关赛事,也期待乡村地区儿童来体验现代城市魅力
Zheng Junuo, the CEO of Sands China Ltd., expressed his honor to collaborate with Yao Foundation for this campus visit activity. He emphasized that as Macau prepares for the 15th National Games, Sands China is committed to promoting sports within communities and contributing towards sustainable development in both local sports and tourism sectors.
The ceremony concluded with a gift exchange between various parties including commemorative items presented by the Yao Foundation.< / P >
This was followed by professional training sessions led by four honorary coaches who guided young players through warm-up exercises before diving into ball-handling techniques. After forty minutes of intensive practice, participants were ready for an exciting showcase match divided into two teams: “Hope Team” vs “Dream Team”.
Soon after starting off strong under Yao Ming’s jump-ball officiating role amidst cheers from excited fans present at game day festivities! A thrilling halftime penalty shootout featured guest appearances which heightened excitement further! p > < p>The exhibition ended triumphantly with Hope team defeating Dream team 44-33 highlighting not only athletic achievements but also fostering community spirit among youth aspiring future stars on bigger stages ahead while planting seeds nurturing their dreams along journey together; thus fulfilling one mission envisioned—bridging connections across borders enhancing cultural exchanges yielding fruitful outcomes down line reaping benefits thereafter . P >