
穆斯卡特赞李昂门线解围称赛季关键时刻 海港展现精彩足球风格

12月9日讯 在前往澳大利亚休假之前,海港主帅穆斯卡特接受了《体坛周报》记者马德兴的专访。他对过去一个赛季进行了总结,并坦言新赛季将面临全新的挑战。


穆斯卡特赞李昂门线解围称赛季关键时刻 海港展现精彩足球风格

穆斯卡特:(笑) 形容上个赛季,我付出了很多,也取得了不少成就,其中有许多令人激动和开心的时刻。要用一个词来概括确实不容易,但如果必须选的话,我会说“骄傲”。虽然这不能完全涵盖所有,但我真的为我们所取得的成绩感到自豪,为身边每个人的努力感到骄傲。

穆斯卡特赞李昂门线解围称赛季关键时刻 海港展现精彩足球风格


穆斯卡特赞李昂门线解围称赛季关键时刻 海港展现精彩足球风格


体坛: 在整个比赛中,有哪场比赛令你感觉最舒心? < p >< strong > 穆斯卡特: 这个问题也不好回答,因为首先我的记忆力不是很好,总想着未来需要做什么。此外,在整 个季度里,我们创造了太多美好的瞬间。如果硬要让我挑一场,那应该是在李昂球门线上解围那一刻,这是一种历史性的瞬间,也是俱乐部最终创造辉煌的重要时刻 。 < p >< strong > 体坛 : 那么 , 整个赛事过程中球队遇到了哪些困难呢 ? < P >< Strong > 穆斯 卡 特 : 我们度过的是充满挑战的一年。从联赛开始,我们就在困境中挣扎,由于亚洲杯后队员们带伤归 队,因此情绪受到影响。这导致我们的技战术难以全面执行,使得开局效果并不理想。随后真正考验来到—— 多线作战。在七八月份炎热夏天期间, 紧密 的比賽日程更是给我們帶來巨大的壓力。我执教生涯中还没有经历连续四场客场这种情况,这真像爬山。然而这些挑战也是团队成长必经之路,让我们更加团结,相互依赖,共同克服难关。同时还有一次因为天气原因被迫返回上海三天未打比赛,再次赴梅州再继续征战。这些都是磨练意志品质的重要经历,让我们的精神变得强大无比。

. 客 场 输 给 成都 蓉城 时 , 您觉得本 决 定 是 不可能 拿 下 冠军 吗 ?

 Muskart: 其实当时并没有觉得这是世界末日。当下唯一可行的方法就是相信自己。我坚信我们的队伍可以赢下接下来两轮,只需表现出足够强劲,而不要因失败而控制自己的情绪,更何况其他事情又不是由我们决定。因此,当那个时候,我坚定地认为仍然有机会争取冠军!

 .但 随 后 同 城 的申花 出人 意料 地 与深圳 新鹏城 打平 , 海 港 突 然 登 上 积 分 榜 首 位 .您 有 想 到 会出现这样的结果吗?

Muskart: I didn't think about it at all. For me, thinking about other things or talking about others is a waste of time. My focus has always been on our work because that alone requires significant energy. .P , "    

Muscate: I can say with certainty that we will be able to play beautiful and exciting attacking football. Moreover, if we really achieve this goal, we have every reason to win the game.” Because before coming here, I had already accomplished such feats in previous teams. The key principles remain consistent regardless of where you go. When I arrived in Shanghai with my assistants Vincenzo and Ross, We began discussing how well these tactical styles would perform within the Super League context Considering whether Chinese players could exhibit this style based on their current skills and understanding. This discussion was limited by framework since ultimately only players determine what they can do. Sincerely believing into your own philosophy leads towards success! **[Regarding external opinions attributing decisive roles played by foreign signings upfront]** That’s indeed fair evaluation! Re-acquiring possession quickly allows us immediately transition back onto offensive plays effectively demonstrated through them. However credit must also extend toward those who aren’t directly involved offensively—they help transfer balls across fields efficiently facilitating midfielders’ actions too! So when analyzing impacts made from both locals versus foreigners—it remains evident each holds distinct significance contributing overall team tactics respectively.” Take goalkeeper Yan (Junling) as unique case study - calmly handling distribution serves vital role initiating counterattacks promptly! Also defenders Wei Zhen/Li Ang/(Zhang Linpeng)—their contributions differ significantly than previously observed patterns showcasing growth potential attained throughout season leading up thus far onwards... My intent behind implementing strategies revolves around achieving wins utilizing distinctive approaches/stylistic traits rather simply aiming “to look good”. Within short timeframe established clear identity proud achievement realized!”