






  1. 李铁: 中国国家男子足球队原主教练(咸宁中院,一审尚未裁定) 案件时间线如下: - 2022年11月26日,李铁接受监察调查。 - 2023年5月9日,被曝已转移至看守所。 - 2023年5月25日,再次传出即将移交检察院消息。 - 2023年8月2日,以涉嫌受贿及行贿等五项罪名提起公诉。 - 2024年1月9日,在央视反腐专题片《持续发力纵深推进》中露面。 - 2024年3月28日公开开庭审理,目前查明其涉案金额近1.2亿,一审控以收受7764万元,当庭认罪悔过,择期宣判。
  2. 杜兆才: 国家体育总局原副局长(一审尚未裁定,由武汉市中级人民法院负责)。
  3. 刘军: 中超公司董事长(目前暂无开庭信息)。
  4. 王小平: 中国足协原纪律委员会主任(同样暂无开庭信息)。


  • Liu Gang: 成都市足球协会原专职副主席,有期徒刑8年,并处罚金70万元人民币。
  • Liu Yi: 中国足球协会前秘书长,有期徒刑11年,并处360万人民币罚款。
  • Tang Hai: 原中国足协裁判管理部部长,被 sentenced to有期徒刑6年至6个月,同时罚款20万元人民币。
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  • Qi Jun:中国足球协会战略规划部前部长,被 sentenced to有期徒刑7 年并处60 万元 人民币 的罚款.
  • Chen Xuyuan : 前中国 足 协 主席 被 判无期限 徒 刑 , 并 剥夺 政治 权利终身, 没 收 全 部 财产 .
  • Li Yuyi : Former Vice President of the Chinese Football Association was convicted for eleven years and fined RMB100 million.

    - Yu Hongchen: The former vice president of the Chinese Football Association was sentenced to thirteen years in prison and fined two hundred thousand yuan. - Chen Yong Liang, former executive secretary general of China Football Association and head of national team management department, received a sentence of fourteen years with a fine amounting to two hundred twenty thousand yuan. - Dong Zheng; Former General Manager Of Super League Company Was Sentenced To Eight Years And Fined Two Hundred Thousand Yuan - Ma Chengquan; The original chairman is subject to an imprisonment term lasting Eleven Years Three Months Alongside A Fine Amounting To Eighty Million Yuan . - Huang Song ; Head Of Competition Department Within CFA Convicted On Bribery Charges With Seven Year Sentence Together With Sixty Thousand In Penalty Fees . - Gu Jianming ; Ex Chairperson As Well As Secretary-General From Chengdu Soccer Federation Received His Six-Year Prison Term Plus Forty Grand Denomination Punishment Fee . -Wu Xiang;Former Director at Wuhan Sports Management Center along side his role as Permanent Deputy Chairman For Wuhans Footbal Assoc., now serving out An Eleventh year verdict alongside One Hundred Fourty Thousond penalty sum 以上为近期涉及中国 足球圈的重要人物与他们对应法律结果,希望未来能进一步净化我们的体育环境,为球迷们带来更清晰、更干净的比赛氛围!