- 出场时间:90分钟
- 进球数:1
- 射门次数:1(其中射正1)
- 丢失球权:13次
- 预期进球值:0.15
- Total触球次数: strong > 75 li >
- < strong > Passes: strong > 51 li >
- < strong > Key passes: strong > 1 li >
- < str ong>P ass success rate :
: 90.2%< /Li > - < Strong Crosses :< /Strong>: 2
L ong balls : Strong>: 1 (长传准确率:100%)< br /> C lears : C hances created:< /强烈> 强烈 > L i > < P oints won: P erformance rating : P layed time : Total touches: Pass accuracy: Key plays made: Goals scored: Goal attempts initiated by pass completion: Defensive contributions in duels and tackles gained against opponents. Overall impact on the match. -7,9(最高分)- *媒体评分*