This is a tough question to answer,因为自2019-20赛季加盟以来, 维金斯已成长为攻防兼备的重要球员。他不仅在2021-22赛季入选全明星,本赛季还交出了17.6分4.6个篮板及2.3次助攻的数据,其命中率达到44.4%,三分命中率则高达37.9%。值得注意的是,他本赛季场均得分甚至超过了现今35岁的老将— 巴特ler (17 分)。此外,还有一点不可忽视,那就是两位球员间显著差距:29岁的维金斯正值巅峰期,而34岁以上的比赛往往会面临更多挑战。
Bartlett's arrival in the Warriors can be seen as both an opportunity and a risk.
The Heat now have formed a new trio featuring Adebayo, Herro, and Wiggins—a combination brimming with youthful energy that could help them make strides toward playoff contention next season!
Aging concerns aside, this two-year $121 million contract for Butler raises questions about its long-term viability; it essentially gives him—and consequently Golden State—a narrow championship window over these two years! The stakes are high: winning within this timeframe seems imperative if they want to avoid potential friction down the road given Butler’s history of rocky separations from previous teams after failed title runs while also managing substantial salaries exceeding $60 million annually between Curry & himself moving forward…
If we turn our attention back towards Western Conference dynamics post-trade deadline activities—the competition landscape has shifted significantly since many rival squads bolstered their rosters including but not limited too Lakers acquiring star players like Davis or Kings bringing on LaVine alongside Spurs who’ve added Fox into mix making everything far more challenging than before thus leaving Warrior fans wondering whether recent moves truly put team closer distance wise relative contending status overall? Or do they remain stuck amidst uncertainties?
< P >总而言之,对于这一系列动作,我们很难断言这是一次完全盈利或亏损。但结合合同期限来看,此次操作至少不会造成严重困扰。而接下来库里将需要面对的不确定性,则可能决定未来两个季度内整个团队的发展方向!所以问题来了: 勇士引入布拉特,到底离冠军又近了一步还是更加遥远呢?< / p > (毛毛爸爸/仰卧撑)